Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Prompt #1: Invocation

Reflect on your personal belief(s) about spiritual matters.  

In ONE sentence, capture the essence of your beliefs in that regard.

Prompt #2: Educational Psychology, Chapter 4

Per your reading of Chapter 4 in Educational Psychology, identify the three most important “take aways” for you (i.e., the most important learnings for you at this point in your professional development).

Prompt #3: Educational Psychology, Chapter 5

Per your reading of Chapter 5 in Educational Psychology, quote ONE sentence (word for word) that resonated deeply with you and identify the page in the book from whence you lifted it.

Tell us why you chose that sentence.

Prompt #4: Feedback

Read the responses of your classmates in Prompts #2 and #3. 

Comment, somehow, in response to each of their entries.

Prompt #5: Research review

Review the research slides you all prepared on the topic of Learning Theory:
       Behaviorism (Reynolds)
Sleep and Learning (Varner)
       Brain-Based Learning (Chiodo)
       Multiple Intelligences (Garza) 
      Put those topics in rank order of importance to you in accordance to “what you need most” at this point in your professional development.

Tell us why you put #1 at #1.

Prompt #6: Behaviorism

From Miran’s research on Behaviorism, identify the most significant new learning for you.

Prompt #7: Multiple Intelligences

Consider Lauri’s research on Multiple Intelligences.  

Pick ONE topic which you expect to teach and briefly tell us how you might address that topic with your students in EACH of those intelligences.  (This will be a little tricky for you, I expect).