Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Prompt #5: Research review

Review the research slides you all prepared on the topic of Learning Theory:
       Behaviorism (Reynolds)
Sleep and Learning (Varner)
       Brain-Based Learning (Chiodo)
       Multiple Intelligences (Garza) 
      Put those topics in rank order of importance to you in accordance to “what you need most” at this point in your professional development.

Tell us why you put #1 at #1.


  1. #1 behaviorism
    #2 brain-based learning
    #3 multiple intelligences
    #4 sleep and learning

    #1 Behaviorism because I need to know how to train my students with better techniques. Much like the Pavlov dog, I want my students to naturally respond to certain classroom procedures and ques in certain ways without thinking. I know that sounds kind of sinsiter or manipulative, but I do. I am big on procedure because it removes bad behavior from the equation, in principle.

    #2.Brain-based learning because like Lauren, I would like to know how and when to best incorporate it into a single lesson plan. Also, how you can use it to teach individual students in these times of high-stakes testing.

    #3. Multiple intelligences. For me, being that there are several different ones and students that all have varying degrees of them, how do I know which to apply and when to apply them. Should I go out of my way as a teacher to modify my history lesson to accomodate a math or music learning style student?

    #4. Sleep and learning. After my slides, I feel pretty good about teaching my studnets the benefits of good sleep. The part of it I would like to learn more about are the psychological aspects of it like what goes on in each sleep cycle and what the subconscious is doing during sleep and how that affects your behavior.

    1. I did not mean to do an entry for all four. I misunderstood but I probabaly do need to know as much as possible about everything.

  2. 1. brain-based learning
    2. multiple intelligences
    3. sleep and learning
    4. behaviorism

    I think brain-based learning is important because it, to me, seems like the foundation for a lot of other concept/ideas, like right-brain/left-brain learning and multiple intelligences. It just makes sense that in order to adequately teach someone, you would find the way their brain will best receive information.

  3. 1. Behaviorism
    2. Sleep and Learning
    3. Brain-based Learning
    4. Multiple Intelligences

    I think that behaviorism is an important thing to know right now, because it will aid in the learning processes that we provide to our students.

  4. 1. Sleep and Learning
    2. Brain-based learning
    3. Behaviorism
    4. Multiple Intelligence

    For my learning - I think sleep and learning are the most important to me because when you work full-time and have all the pressure of having an older parent--- I need sleep. I am often sleep deprived and have a hard time concentrating so I fulling understand how important sleep is to my learning and my ability to teach others.
