Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Prompt #14: Opinion (defended)

You have now been exposed in this term to F2F meeting format, to synchronous virtual format, and to asynchronous virtual format.

Which do you prefer, and why?


  1. For me, I have enjoyed all three types. Before this course I exclusively used F2F format and I was a big advocate of it. I still think I like it the best just because it is what I have always done and it feels more meaningful for me to have F2F meetings with people. I have been called a "people person." I like to interact with others when I have the opportunity to do so. However, that being said, I have come to enjoy the sychronous and asynchronous formats as well. I enjoy writing and that is what seems to predominantly encompass these types of formats. Also, being a commuter student, I enjoy not having to drive to Lubbock as often with gas prices and such. I think my second favorite would be the asynchronous format because it has a degree of freedom and flexibility that synchronous does not have. There is less pressure in it and I have time to collect and authenticate my thoughts and feelings which is difficult in a paced, sychronous format.

  2. I personally like F2F the best, because so much can get lost in translation over the Internet. I like to be able to ask a question and get an immediate reply and I think that conversations that end up sparked by questions or life stories can be some of the most fulfilling conversations a class can have.

    1. I also wanted to comment on one real drawback to having class in this way, and that is that some of MY responses are based on OTHERS' participation, which makes getting my work done in a timely manner difficult. I can't comment or reply to things until they are posted by my classmates, and I don't plan to keep refreshing the page until midnight, so I think that in the future, we should all make a effort to at least answer those posts very quickly after the assignments are posted.

    2. I agree with Lauren on this aspect. I think if we do classes this way again, we should have a time when all prompts are due with the exception of the feedback ones which we should have more time for because we can't wait for everyone and still have time to get the feedback in by the same deadline.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like face to face class. I like to listen and ponder my thoughts over time and do not like posting my thoughts where everyone can read them.

  5. I very much prefer Face to Face class. I felt like the amount of discussion that took place in the synchronous format would have taken about 45 minutes to an hour and half, yet took 3 1/2 hours online. And I'm sorry, but if I have until midnight Sunday and I'm not sitting in a classroom with people staring me down, I'm going to wait until 11:59 in most cases. I have so many things going on it's hard to focus my attention on class online. It's easier to focus my attention and efforts in a class where my presences is physical and mental.
