Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Prompt #15: Finality (the technical eye)

Pick either Bloom’s Taxonomy or the Marzano 9 High-Yield Strategies as a lens to view through. 

Specifically identify at least three  “pieces” of tonight’s learning tasks and articulate which of those strategies/concepts you saw me trying to deploy.


  1. Identifying similarities and differences - Students were asked to draw similarities between research information from this week and the works of Ken Wilber.
    Summarizing and taking notes - We had to summarize each of the research presentations in order to respond to the questions about them.
    Questions, cues, and advanced organizers - Well, each prompt is a different question or cue, and I would say that the layout of the blog would act as an advanced organizer.

  2. Setting objectives and providing feedback--the email and each prompt had objectives. The feedback came from each other on their responses and comes from the professor when we finish.
    Questions, cues, and advance organizers--fits in with the layout and what I said about the objectives above.
    Cooperative learning--we each had our role in making the slides and we had to work together to give feedback in this blog class.
    Identifying similarities and differences--we identifed them in the Ken Weber site vs. what we learned from the slides we did.

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  4. Marzano High Yield Instructional Strategies Deployed in the Learning Tasks:

    Summarizing and taking notes --- we did this with chapter 4 and 5
    Homework and practice---- using our presentation and practicing how to use the information in lesson plans.
    Cooperative learning--- we are working on this blog together.
    Setting objectives and providing feedback--- giving feedback to our classmates.
    Questions, cues, and advance organizers---- asking questions and the layout is an advance organizer.

    Bloom Levels of Cognition Evidenced in the Learning Tasks:

    Applying--- applying our learning about multiple intelligence to the lesson plan.
    Analyzing-- each others presentation and answering questions related to the content.
    Evaluating--- Evaluating our observations and our own learning preferences.

  5. The Bloom's Taxonomy categories that have been used are:

    Comprehension - learning from the research slides and exhibiting our understanding of each learning type

    Application - Using our research to apply to personal teaching situations

    Evaluation - Evaluating the lessons learned from our textbook
